Thursday 17 October 2013

Internet Research and The Beginning of the Bibliography

I decided to have another stab at researching some information on google and this time I was successful!
In google I entered: what would life be without teeth?
I found two websites that listed the importance of teeth and was surprised more than what I expected e.g. teeth as an importance of maintaining healthy bones.

The First Website I went on, it gave me ideas on the importance of teeth such as biting and chewing, distributing forces to core of tooth 

The second website I accessed was the one above. It also have me ideas on the importance of teeth, but this time about maintaining a healthy bone level (alveolar tissue) and speaking. 

I made some notes of the research that I did in my brand new EPQ Research folder, and decided to apply a key that would separate; different sites I explored, ideas that I thought of whilst  doing the research itself and parts of information that I would like to research further. This would be useful for when I start writing the dissertation because I can flick through the information to the ones I need.

Above; notes that I made on the two websites i accessed 

Here I made a general list of what I found out from the research about the importance of teeth, and hopefully with further research I can add to this. I thought this would be useful so that when I go onto write my dissertation there will be a summary of all the parts that I could include, and I don't have to look through heaps of research.

 Furthermore on the two website I found a substantial amount of information on why restorative dentistry is not as good as the natural tooth, and I thought I would include this in my EPQ project as it seems to be an important subject in the dental world. Also it relates to my EPQ quite well as I am debating about the importance of teeth so incorporating the idea of unnatural teeth seems appropriate.

Also during research, I found a lot of links to forums e.g. yahoo answers, which I found to be useless as most of them were concerned about their own dental problems and dentures as opposed factual information. Although this information could be potential research I was hesitant to use it because most the sources lack expertise and the content may not be valid.

Finally I also started my bibliography which was slightly different to what we were taught in class because at home I use a macbook (APA system) which has different settings. I went online and looked at how I can citate and reference on this system and found it to be easily done.

My bibliography so far
Initially I was confused about how I was going to start a bibliography without actually writing the dissertation, and to overcome this I decided to copy and paste an appropriate phrase from the two sites and reference this for the moment being. When I start writing up my dissertation it means I can change/delete the phrase according to the essay and this will ensure that the sources that I have read are not forgotten in my bibliography. Also it means that my bibliography is starting to build up now as opposed to doing it all at once at the end.

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