Sunday 6 October 2013

16th September
RE: Chat with EPQ teachers 
This was the very first time that I spoke to teachers intimately about my project, and i found it extremely helpful.
I gave them a brief pitch of my idea and what sort of information I was going to incorporate. I told them I wanted to do dentistry in university and one of the teachers, Sian, suggested a form of primary research which was to ask dentists how important they though teeth were. Personally, I felt stupid that I hadn't thought of this before, because then I could have got a lot of primary research during my work experience. Nonetheless she said that some of her friends from university were dentists so she could get some contacts for myself. Also Sian suggested that I spoke to dentists who were specialised, e.g. cosmetic surgeons, orthodontists, general dentists etc so that I could get a wider range of views from experts in the same field. (I added this to my to-do research list)
I also told my teachers that my initial was title was going to be 'A Teeth-less Tale' however I was told that the title had to be based around a question so that I can balance two arguments. So I gave myself the target to think of a question type title by the next monday.

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