Saturday 5 October 2013

Monday 22nd July
RE: Hairy Tongue Patient at Work Experience

During my work experience in Kantipur Dental Hospital in Nepal, unexpectedly one patient came in with a case of hairy tongue. Visually it was very unpleasant and although it did little harm to the patient himself, I realised how serious oral diseases could be. Unfortunately I was only able to get a glimpse.

Although this encounter may seem irrelevant to my project, however it really opened my eyes to a wider branch of dentistry instead of just fillings and braces! It also got me thinking about wether oral diseases would exist if we did not have teeth and other forms of diseases we could develop without them.

During my three weeks of work experience, I regret not talking to dentists about my EPQ as it could have formed valuable primary research. I did not think of the idea to talk to dentists.

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