Sunday 6 October 2013

23rd September
In this EPQ lesson we made timelines for ourselves, roughly indicating what we would like to complete and when we'd like to complete it by. Initially everyone made colourful timelines on A3, but with my scruffy nature I felt it looked too messy, so on my notebook I wrote down the tasks I would like to complete in each month leading up to my deadline.
I was fairly lenient about the dates trying not sticking to strict deadlines because I knew that being too uptight on time is unrealistic especially as I have to prioritise my other three subjects.
I have also set my personal deadline earlier than the actual one so that if I am running behind i don't miss the final deadline.

30th September - Title Deadline
Oct-Nov - Research
End November - Plan Write up
December - Main write up
January - Rough completion
End Jan/Feb - Start Presentation
Start of March - Personal Project deadline
April - Final Deadline

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