Saturday 5 October 2013

Monday 9th September 
RE: Radiolab Podcast 'Guts' 

On this particular podcast, Jad and Robert talk to a man named John Rynar who had a tear (fistulum) in his intestine which forced him to be fed through a feeding tube for a large period of his life. For a long time he did not use his mouth to get food inside his body, but one day when he did he realised that he could not taste anything and later on noticed this was because of a loss of taste buds on his tongue ( his tongue was completely flat).

This got me thinking about my own EPQ project, because I had set up a theme where I could write about what people would eat if there was a life without teeth and the obvious answer would be that people would only drink food. So relating this back to the podcast maybe people would lose some taste buds because people would only slurp/drink their food, rather than biting/crunching like we do with out teeth. Also there would be restrictions of many foods that we could not eat so our taste buds would miss out on this.

Just like John lost his taste buds maybe people would lose certain parts of the human body if there were no teeth. Furthermore, how could out digestive system develop without teeth and would the evolution of humans also differ?

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