Sunday 6 October 2013

30th September 
RE: Types of Sources/Evaluating Sources and Hailey's Blog 
Unfortunately I did not meet my deadline to formulate my title, and when the teachers came round asking about it, I felt slightly guilty for forgetting about it. So I set another target to think of a title by the end of the week. 
I found this lesson to be VERY helpful!
Firstly we looked at a blog (Hailey's Blog) created by a previous EPQ student who had logged everything onto this. I found this very useful because I was able to visualise how I could log something electronically. Obviously I was inspired to write my own blog, because it has many advantages; my scruffy handwriting avoided, I wouldn't lose any bits of paper, pictures could be uploaded, chronological order and the list goes on. However the main reason I chose to do a blog is so that i could organise everything in one place. 
The only problem was that I had actually started my EPQ project/logging since June but despite this I recorded everything by dating it and uploading pictures of notes from the past. 

Secondly we paired up and made a spider diagram (below) of the types of research we could collect for our EPQ. Half of the diagram was from my partner, my half is the one on the left. We also wrote down the strengths and weaknesses for each type of source 
Finally we looked evaluating resources and the teachers made us do a task on Ed Milliband and his claim to freeze energy prices. On the computers we looked at various sources of information e.g newspaper articles, videos and surveys to evaluate the sources of inormation. For example the political party that the newspaper favours and how this affects the honesty of the source (bias). Our teacher also gave us a marking scheme (RAVEN) to assess the sources that we receive our information from. 


My target for next week is to start my EPQ blog and log everything that I have done so far. 

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