Monday 14 October 2013


Strangely in the lesson this morning we went through the LRC (basically the library) which was available for our research. In groups we were given the opportunity to go to the library and we were given a tour of the available resources.

One of the most useful resources I found were the online ones, which are a collection of journals magazines and articles that out college subscribes to. The 'Gale Virtual Reference Library' was pointed out by the librarian and when I accessed the page later on I found a an aggregation of books which looked potentially useful for my project. Also during my college break I went through the journals available on the LRC and was pleasantly surprised at the range available e.g. biology review, General one file, Scientific World, New Scientist and so many more. Unfortunately I had an unsuccessful attempt at accessing these online resources at home so I will ask the librarians about this tomorrow.

The librarian also does a very handy job of going through all the articles in the magazines and records them online so students can access the ones that they need. Finally there were also ebooks and hard copies of past EPQ projects, however i found that there was only one project related to dentistry which was about forensics. Nonetheless I do really want to read some EPQ projects to get a better idea of how much I have to research and eventually write up.

All in all, I found this lesson had answered my prayers to my difficulties that I had finding research related to my project. Therefore during this week I will have no excuses to put off my EPQ research any longer.

Finally i talked to my EPQ teachers about the situation of trying to get in contact with some dentists and they suggested that I go to the practice and asked if they are willing to do it, so that I will not be wasting any time.

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