Monday 7 October 2013


In the EPQ lesson this morning, we covered referencing using the Harvard System. Having never used this system before, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and useful it was. Furthermore we also looked at how our bibliography would be automatically created when referencing during our essay write up. It also reminded me to start a bibliography on the books/reports I have read so far. The teachers said it was very useful to start it now, because most people have trouble finishing it at the end of the project which 'can take days' apparently.

I have attached some pictures of my notes that I took in lesson, about how to reference different types of information e.g. statistics from websites, quoting from books etc.

Also in the last part of the lesson after we completed a task practicing referencing different types of information e.g. articles from text books, articles from websites etc. we completed the Aim and Outcome part of our verification form. For the Aim we wrote a short paragraph expanding our title and for the outcome we stated what type of project we were going to complete. 

In the class, I also asked the teachers about evaluation because I had not started yet and was slightly confused about what and how to evaluate (even after last weeks evaluation lesson). The teachers told me to evaluate all my sources using Raven and also big decisions that I might make in my project e.g. if I change my title or if I change the direction of my project mid way, explaining why  chose to do these things. 
I met my target from last week, to start a log diary through a blog, and my target for this week is to start gaining primary research by getting in contact with dentists from my work experience and to evaluate the sources that I have researched so far. 

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