Tuesday 26 November 2013

22nd October 2013

Research Fail, Changing of Title, Deadline Extension

I have tried to find further research into the importance of teeth, however most of the information is monotonous and repetitive and unfortunately I can't seem to extend my project further. Following my research on the 17th October as well as a chat with my two EPQ teachers I have decided to extend my EPQ title to cover the level of similarity between dental restorations and the natural tooth. I feel like this is an appropriate change because it means I can explore another aspect of dentistry which can relate back to my original title. 
My EPQ teachers were worried that my original title 'How important are our natural teeth and could we develop to live without them' was going to be a simple yes/no answer. I was also skeptical of my title because my research had come to a halt so I decided this was the ideal choice. Extending my title also means that I will be able to back up my yes/no decision at the end with the research about dental restorations and if they can perfectly replace our natural teeth. 

Following my decision to change my EPQ title, I have edited my project verification form. (below)

This also means that I will have to carry out more research, including primary research, therefore I have decided to push my deadline further to April, so that I will have more time to adjust to the changes I have made, 
My Target this week is to start researching about the similarity between dental restorations and the natural teeth, so that I can begin to generate the different sub headings for my essay. 

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