Monday 14 October 2013

Wednesday 9th October
I sent a message to my work experience manager wether I could get in contact with some of the dentists who I shadowed during work experience in the summer.

I also went on google to research the importance of teeth,
When I typed in the search bar 'the importance of teeth' the articles/websites which came up were about the importance of going to the dentists regularly or why we should take care of our teeth. Most of these articles were useless as they covered of taking care of our teeth rather than the importance of teeth itself. Therefore I did not bother reading these articles as I thought it would just be a waste of time.
At this point I felt I had reached a dead end with research.

Sunday Update
This week (7th Oct-14th Oct) has been slightly unsuccessful in terms of my EPQ. When i tried to find research I reached a dead end where I could not find any sources related to my project. Finding information about 'the importance of teeth' was too broad for google and I had no luck! Also my work experience practice manager failed to get back to me about possibly getting in contact with some dentists to get hold of primary research.

This means I did not reach my target from last week, to firstly get in contact with some dentists and secondly evaluate my past research. I found this week to be very busy because of my workload from my other A2 subjects as well as being sick during the weekend from the sudden temperature drop.

I have decided to set only one target this week as I have much to catch up on from last weeks target as well as two practical assessments in biology and chemistry.
My Target this week is find out where I can get research related to my project and hopefully get hold of some secondary sources of research. Also I would like to finish evaluating my part research  

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