Monday 30 September 2013

The Beginning

Initially, I chose to do an Extended Project Qualification because my friends were doing it also, so I thought it would be a good idea. However after a couple of talks I attended in College, by the teachers and staff, I realised how highly regarded this qualification was for admission tutors at university. It was a great opportunity for me to enhance independent studying skills. I would like to do dentistry at Higher education so I thought an EPQ in the dental field would mildly prepare me for what I might face at Dental School.

Although this is not the actual date of when I started my EPQ project, it is however the start of my Log diary, because after an EPQ lesson this morning I was inspired to write a blog. So before this point I had not logged very much, which is a shame because I had started to think and build ideas months before.

Here I have a listed a brief log of everything I had done before this point.

I found out about the EPQ and attended a talk in the Prospect theatre in our College. After the talk I had ideas related to dentistry floating around in my head.
-forensic in dentistry
-dental Health around the world
-developments in dentistry
However I was not satisfied with most of these ideas because I felt they had a 'ceiling effect' in that there was only so much I could write about.

One a particular day, me and my friend, Prakriti Rai, were walking to the bus stop after lesson and chatting about each-others EPQ. She suggested that I could write about what our life would be like without teeth e.g. what our diet would comprise of etc. Her idea really struck me, because I could build a lot on it. I could write about our biological differences, the importance of teeth, how the lives of humans would change and most importantly I could argue wether or not teeth is a necessity in our lives.

Friday July 12th 2013

A week or so later, I went online and tried to find books about the importance of teeth, however i found this very difficult and most dental books were of higher education level and had to be purchased. Soon I found a website called '' where I found a couple of books and publications about importance of teeth which I downloaded on my laptop to be read later.
My first ever research proved very hard to find so I knew that I had to get primary research to pin point the information that I sought to find.

2. Dental books/publications that I saved

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am also writing an EPQ on dentistry and was wondering how your EPQ went.
